Zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotope evidence for an Eoarchaean crustal remnant and episodic crustal reworking in response to supercontinent cycles in NW India

Wei Wang, Peter A. Cawood, Manoj K. Pandit, Mei-Fu Zhou, Wei Terry Chen

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Scattered TDM2 (3.8-3.2 Ga) for 3.28-2.99 Ga zircons from the Proterozoic Delhi Supergroup in northwestern India provide evidence for generation of juvenile crust and reworking of older crust. Depleted mantle-like εHf(t) values (+7.2 to +5.6) for 2.86-2.71 Ga zircons indicate that generation of juvenile crust occurred during this period and ceased at 2.71 Ga. Extensive magmatism at 2.66-2.34, 2.11-2.01 and 1.60-1.37 Ga was dominated by reworking of pre-existing crust with variable ages, and the last two periods were accompanied by formation of juvenile crust. An Eoarchaean age of 3671 ± 15 Ma represents the oldest age found in NW India. Zircons formed during supercontinent assembly have positive to negative εHf(t) values, suggesting involvement of juvenile and ancient crust, whereas largely positive εHf(t) values for zircons crystallized subsequent to supercontinent amalgamation suggest involvement of predominantly juvenile crust. Correlation of detrital age patterns and tectonomagmatic events indicates a conjugate position for northern Indian and the Cathaysia Block of South China during the assembly of Nuna. The South China Block remained juxtaposed to India until its separation from Pangaea in the late Palaeozoic.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)759-772
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of the Geological Society
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2017

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