Young adults' experiences with Australian public services: final report

Brady Robards, Steven Roberts, Ben Lyall, Barbara Neves, Zareh Ghazarian, Jonathan Smith, Jacqueline Laughland-Booy, Verity Trott, Jo Lindsay, Chiara De Lazzari, Madeleine Ulbrick, Sarah Hewitt, Patrick James Godfrey Marple, William Lukamto, Callum Jones

Research output: Book/ReportOther ReportOther


In 2020, Monash University and the Australian Catholic University partnered with the APS Reform Office in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to research young Australians' perceptions about and experiences with public services. Our work engaged with almost 3,000 young people through surveys and focus groups, and was supported by secondary data sources from surveys and social media. The report also featured in the development of Australia’s Youth Policy Framework (2020).

This report presents the findings of a large-scale, mixed-methods study of youth transitions in Australia, with a particular focus on young people's experiences with public services. This research was undertaken during an unprecedented global pandemic, but also in a broader context where for the last few decades young people have been following increasingly complex, non-linear, and uncertain pathways towards adulthood. Today’s young people navigate combined stresses of education, employment, housing, and relationships, and public services are essential to support young people during these transitions. Work can be done to improve how young people enter, transition between, and exit services, to empower them on their paths into adulthood.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherMonash University
Commissioning bodyDepartment of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Australia)
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2020

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