Wielding the big stick: lessons for enforcing anti-discrimination law from the Fair Work Ombudsman

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Anti-discrimination law is enforced by a person who has experienced discrimination by lodging a complaint at a statutory equal opportunity agency. The agency is responsible for receiving and resolving discrimination complaints and educating the community; it does not play a role in enforcing the law. The agency relies on ‘carrots’ to encourage voluntary compliance, but it does not wield any ‘sticks’. This is not the case in other areas of law, such as industrial relations, where the Fair Work Ombudsman is charged with enforcing the law — including the prohibition of discrimination in the workplace — and possesses the necessary powers to do so. British academics Hepple, Coussey and Choudhury developed an enforcement pyramid for equal opportunity. This article shows that the model used by the Fair Work Ombudsman reflects what Hepple, Coussey and Choudhury propose, while anti-discrimination law enforcement would be represented as a flat, rectangular structure. The article considers the Fair Work Ombudsman's discrimination enforcement work to date and identifies some lessons that anti-discrimination law enforcement can learn from its experience.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)119-142
Number of pages24
JournalAustralian Journal of Human Rights
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • discrimination
  • enforcement
  • fair work
  • regulation
  • systemic investigation

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