Volcanic Successions Modern and Ancient: a geological approach to processes, products and successions.

R. A.F. Cas, J. V. Wright

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Researchpeer-review

994 Citations (Scopus)


This text aims to bridge the division between studies of modern and ancient volcanic rocks. A sedimentological approach is adopted as the main theme, in order to understand the broad spectrum of volcanic facies types, the processes responsible for their formation, and their significance in terms of depositional setting. After introductory chapters on the facies concept and the physical properties of magmas, the products of volcanism (volcaniclastic rocks and lavas), pyroclastic deposits, and surface reworking are discussed in detail. In the last chapters, modern volcanoes, facies models for ancient volcanic successions, and volcanism and tectonic setting are covered.-R.A.H.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVolcanic Successions Modern and Ancient
Subtitle of host publicationa geological approach to processes, products and successions.
PublisherAllen & Unwin
ISBN (Print)0045520224, 9780045520220
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1987

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