Verbal fluency, semantics, context and symptom complexes in schizophrenia

Adam Vogel, Helen J Chenery, Catriona M Dart, Binh Doan, Mildred Tan, David A Copland

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    22 Citations (Scopus)


    Lexical-semantic access and retrieval was examined in 15 adults diagnosed with schizophrenia and matched controls. This study extends the literature through the inclusion of multiple examinations of lexical-semantic production within the same patient group and through correlating performance on these tasks with various positive and negative clinical symptoms. On tasks of verbal fluency, meaning generation, sentence production using contextual information and confrontation naming, participants with schizophrenia made significantly more semantic errors on naming tasks; produced fewermeanings for homophones; produced fewer items on semantic, phonological, cued and switching fluency tasks; and produced more errors on sentence production tasks when compared to healthy controls. Significant correlations were also observed between ratings of psychomotor poverty and measures of semantic production and mental inflexibility. This study has provided additional evidence for deficits in lexical-semantic retrieval which are not due to underlying semantic store degradation, do not involve phonological based retrieval, and at the level of sentence generation appear to vary as a function of the contextual constraints provided.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)459 - 473
    Number of pages15
    JournalJournal of Psycholinguistic Research
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 2009

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