Using elephant movements to assess landscape connectivity under Peninsular Malaysia's central forest spine land use policy

J. Antonio de la Torre, Alex M. Lechner, Ee P. Wong, David Magintan, Salman Saaban, Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


One of the most vital and urgent global conservation challenges is to deal with the loss and fragmentation of wildlife habitats, particularly for large-bodied and wide-ranging terrestrial megafauna. The Central Forest Spine Master Plan for Ecological Linkages (CFS) was developed by the Malaysian Federal Government in 2010 to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services by securing landscape connectivity between Peninsular Malaysia's main forest blocks. Here we present an evaluation of the effectiveness of the CFS master plan to promote functional connectivity for Asian elephants, one of its focal species. The specific objectives of our study were to identify the most critical forest patches to maintain connectivity for elephants in Peninsular Malaysia, assess functional connectivity within the CFS ecological linkages, and identify alternative corridors where appropriate to enhance CFS effectiveness. We used the largest animal movement dataset in Peninsular Malaysia (220,000 GPS locations from 53 elephants) to develop models of elephant movement probability and to estimate landscape resistance using step selection functions based on landscape characteristics. According to our evaluation of 28 linkages, 57% of them provided high functional connectivity, 28% provided acceptable connectivity, and 14% provided low to no connectivity. A very important and positive finding is that the CFS linkages with the highest centrality values (i.e., the most important to maintain overall connectivity in Peninsular Malaysia) also score highly in functional connectivity (i.e., they are actually effective corridors for elephant movement). This means that an adequate CFS implementation can lead to high levels of functional connectivity among Peninsular Malaysia's main forest blocks. Based on our assessment, we recommend to conduct some revisions on the CFS plan to ensure its effectiveness.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere133
Number of pages14
JournalConservation Science and Practice
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • CFS
  • corridor
  • Elephas maximus
  • functional connectivity
  • habitat fragmentation
  • megafauna

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