Use of simulators in teaching and learning: Paramedics' evaluation of a Patient Simulator

Andrea Lynne Wyatt, Francis Leo Archer, Brian Fallows

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Objectives: This study was undertaken as a precursor to a larger study investigating the benefits of simulation in reducing management and technique errors in the prehospital management of trauma patients. However, prior to this it was considered necessary to conduct a preliminary study to address the following: Undertake a structured evaluation of the Laerdal SimMan Patient Simulator. Determine the functional fidelity of the Laerdal SimMan Patient Simulator that was used in this project from the Paramedic perspective. Methods:Participants taking part in the study were invited to complete an evaluation form that examined the various components of the simulator. A second evaluation form examined both the features of the simulator and their applicability to Paramedic practice. The simulator capabilities were assessed through an evaluation of the simulator features, and, with a qualitative element included, provided a descriptive analysis of simulator functional fidelity. Results: Analysis identified 36 of 54 features (66 ) of the simulator were rated by the respondents as at least average physiological accuracy . An analysis of applicability to practice identified 41 of 54 features (75 ) were rated at least beneficial to practice by greater than 80 of respondents. In combining these results, only 5 features considered applicable to Paramedic practice demonstrated a below average level of physiological accuracy. These findings indicate that, as a general concept, the use of this particular simulator as an educational experience was .....
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1 - 1
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Emergency Primary Health Care
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2007

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