Transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy sepsis and the rise in carbapenem antibiotic use

Olivia R. Leahy, Mary O'Reilly, David R. Dyer, David Phillips, Jeremy P. Grummet

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Background: This study sought to determine the number of hospital admissions for sepsis following transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) biopsy, and the rate of both prophylactic and therapeutic use of carbapenem antibiotics for TRUS biopsy, at a single institution. Methods: A retrospective review of prospectively collected data from the medical records electronic database of Cabrini Health, a private metropolitan hospital, was queried for coding of admissions under any admitting urologist for sepsis and prostate-related infections from 2009 to 2012. Records were examined for whether a TRUS biopsy had been performed within 14 days prior and if a therapeutic carbapenem was required. The database also queried the use of carbapenems as prophylaxis in patients undergoing TRUS biopsy. Results: Of the 63 admissions for TRUS biopsy sepsis, multi-drug-resistant organisms were isolated from 26 (41%). Twenty-three admissions were from the 1937 patients who underwent a TRUS biopsy at Cabrini (a sepsis rate of 1.2%) and 40 were following TRUS biopsies at other centres. Thirty-seven (58.7%) patients received therapeutic carbapenems either empirically, or after culture results. Of the 1937 Cabrini TRUS biopsy patients, 154 (8%) were given a carbapenem as prophylaxis, with a rapid increase in prophylactic use over the 4 years studied from 0.25% to 13%. Conclusion: This study did not show evidence of an increasing rate of hospital admissions for TRUS biopsy sepsis at this institution. However, there was a dramatic uptake in prophylactic administration of carbapenems. Increasing carbapenem use may contribute to development of carbapenem-resistant bacteria. Alternative methods of prostate biopsy that avoid sepsis should be considered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)931-935
Number of pages5
JournalANZ Journal of Surgery
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015


  • Prostate biopsy
  • Transrectal
  • Urology

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