The subtilisin-like protease AprV2 is required for virulence and uses a novel disulphide-tethered exosite to bind substrates

Ruth M Kennan, Wilson Wong, Om Dhungyel, Xiao Han, David M Wong, Dane Parker, Carlos J Rosado, Ruby HP Law, Sheena McGowan, Shane B Reeve, Vitalina Levina, Glenn A Powers, Robert N Pike, Stephen P Bottomley, Alexander Ian Smith, Ian Marsh, Richard J Whittington, James Whisstock, Corrine J Porter, Julian I Rood

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79 Citations (Scopus)


Many bacterial pathogens produce extracellular proteases that degrade the extracellular matrix of the host and therefore are involved in disease pathogenesis. Dichelobacter nodosus is the causative agent of ovine footrot, a highly contagious disease that is characterized by the separation of the hoof from the underlying tissue. D. nodosus secretes three subtilisin-like proteases whose analysis forms the basis of diagnostic tests that differentiate between virulent and benign strains and have been postulated to play a role in virulence. We have constructed protease mutants of D. nodosus; their analysis in a sheep virulence model revealed that one of these enzymes, AprV2, was required for virulence. These studies challenge the previous hypothesis that the elastase activity of AprV2 is important for disease progression, since aprV2 mutants were virulent when complemented with aprB2, which encodes a variant that has impaired elastase activity. We have determined the crystal structures of both AprV2 and AprB2 and characterized the biological activity of these enzymes. These data reveal..
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1 - 12
Number of pages12
JournalPLoS Pathogens
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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