The study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of family-mediated personalised activities for nursing home residents with dementia

Eva Simone van der Ploeg, Cameron Camp, Barbara Eppingstall, Susannah Jane Runci, Daniel O'Connor

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8 Citations (Scopus)


We will conduct a cluster-randomised trial to train family carers in conducting personalised oneto- one activities based on the Montessori methodology with their relatives. Montessori activities derive from the principles espoused by Maria Montessori and subsequent educational theorists to promote engagement in learning, namely task breakdown, guided repetition, progression in difficulty from simple to complex, and the careful matching of demands to levels of competence. Persons with dementia living in aged care facilities and frequently visiting family carers will be included in the study. Consented, willing participants will be randomly assigned by facility to a treatment condition using the Montessori approach or a control waiting list condition. We hypothesise that family carers conducting Montessori-based activities will experience improvements in quality of visits and overall relationship with the resident as well as higher self-rated mastery, fewer depressive symptoms, and a better quality of life than carers in the waiting list condition.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2
Number of pages6
JournalBMC Geriatrics
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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