The relationship between risk propensity, risk perception and risk-taking behaviour in an emerging market

Fazelina Sahul Hamid, Gary John Rangel, Fauziah M Taib, Ramayah Thurasamy

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This paper reports evidence to support a relationship between risk propensity, risk perception, and risk-taking behaviour of investors in an emerging market. Primary data were gathered using a validated structured questionnaire, which was self-administered by respondents: there were 162 investors from 8 stockbroking companies. A multiple regression was used to test the direct and indirect effects of the identified behavioural characteristics on investment decision. Risk propensity was found to be positively related to risk-taking behaviour whereas risk perception was negatively related to risk-taking behaviour. It was further found that risk perception partially mediates the effect of propensity to take risk. This suggests that the perceptual framing of a situational context in the investors thought processes reduces but it does not totally overwhelm the innate personality traits with respect to either the investor s risk-seeking or risk-averseness. The tendency to engage in risky behaviour is more psychological in nature. The implications of the research are further explored.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)134 - 146
Number of pages13
JournalThe International Journal of Banking and Finance
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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