The relationship between crime and road safety

Charlotte Brace, Michelle Scully, Belinda Clark, Jennie Oxley

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned ReportResearch


The aim of this project was to examine the relationship between crime and road safety and to identify the key relevant Victorian crime and road safety databases and how they can be utilised to examine this relationship. Of specific interest was the relationship between criminal activity of individuals and the likelihood of these individuals being involved in a fatal or serious injury outcome road crash. The key findings of this research suggest that there is a positive relationship between: general negative behaviour (e.g. involvement in antisocial behaviours) and risky driving behaviour; criminal behaviour and traffic offences (specifically violence, theft & burglary and recidivist/drink driving, driving whilst disqualified; risky traffic behaviour contributing to a crash and criminal history (particularly for violent crime, vandalism, property crime, and involvement in traffic crime), and; crash involvement, drink driving and general criminal history including theft, car theft, drug and alcohol related crimes, violence and property damage. This report documents a variety of approaches that have been adopted internationally to examine these relationships, and highlights that such work has not been undertaken in Victoria to date. Moreover, the limitations and barriers for linking crime and road safety data in Victoria are discussed and these predominantly concern privacy and ethics, matching of data, issues with data analysis and cost/resource factors. A number of recommendations are made to overcome these data limitations, and to explore more fully the relationship between crime and road safety in Victoria.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationClayton Vic Australia
PublisherMonash University
Commissioning bodyTransport Accident Commission (TAC) (trading as Transport Accident Commission Compensation Payments) (Victoria)
Number of pages76
ISBN (Print)0732623545
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Crime, road safety, road crash, criminal history, recidivism

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