The Preserves Project: Multi-stage collaborative community arts project a) Installation, Clunes Regional Library 7-30 September 2012 b) Live Event, Castlemaine State Arts Festival 16-17 March 2013 c) Installation, Roslyn Smorgon Gallery, Footscray Community Arts Centre 29 August - 13 October 2013 d) Installation and Live Event, Evansford Community Centre 24-26 October 2013. Workshops preceding and during these events were also held in each location.

Alison Margaret Richards (Other), berni m janssen (Other), Sarah Lloyd (Artist), Hoang Tran Nguyen (Artist), Victoria Morphy Walsh (Artist), Shona Te Hau (Artist), Astrid Carolyn Baldock Lewens (Artist), Ros Bandt (Composer), Rebecca Russell (Artist), Gunther Wilhelm (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formCurationOther


This innovative arts project was designed around the twin polarities of duration and return. It applied critical notions of community building to provoke responses and promote reflection about choices in the preservation of particular and shared heritage. It invited people who otherwise would be unlikely to meet, to join together to engage in cultural exchange - asking, What do we value and want to take into the future? and What do we want to share with others?
In collaboration with berni m janssen, poet, community artist and at that time Co-ordinator of the Clunes Neighbourhood House, I worked to expand an early draft proposal for activities in berni's own 'home' community, the small rural settlement of Evansford, into a multi-stage project spanning regional and urban communities of different scale in Victoria's 'mid north West' - the settlement of Evansford, the town of Clunes, the regional city of Castlemaine and the ex-industrial suburb of Footscray.
This NTRO submission relates specifically to my contribution to outcomes as co Lead Artist and performance specialist on the project.
My research question as an artist-researcher was, how can principles of Performance as Research (PaR), be deployed to support and extend the planning and delivery of an integrated series of interactive events over time and location, informing new models of community-based arts delivery?
My status as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in CTP at Monash was detailed in the program for the major installation at Footscray Community Arts Centre (see attached). Other attached documentation includes copies of the relevant sections of the program for the Castlemaine State Arts Festival and a copy of typical promotional material distributed (flyer) in local outlets such as libraries, cafes, bookshops and supermarkets. Other project documentation including still photography, audio, video and music on CD and DVD available on request.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publicationa) Clunes, VIC b) Castlemaine, VIC c) Footscray, VIC d) Evansford, VIC
Publishera) and d) Clunes Neighbourhood House b) Castlemaine State Arts Festival c) Footscray Community Arts Centre
Media of outputNot Specified
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2012


  • community arts
  • cross-disciplinary arts practice
  • community building
  • performance as research

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