The place code of saccade metrics in the lateral bank of the intraparietal sulcus

Helen Savaki, Georgia Gregoriou, Sofia Bakola, Vassilis Raos, Adonis Moschovakis

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The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of monkeys is known to participate in the guidance of rapid eye movements (saccades), but the means it uses to specify movement variables are poorly understood. To determine whether area LIP devotes neural space to encode saccade metrics spatially, we used the quantitative [(14)C]deoxyglucose method to obtain images of the distribution of metabolic activity in the intraparietal sulcus (IPs) of rhesus monkeys trained to repeatedly execute saccades of the same amplitude and direction for the duration of the experiment. Different monkeys were trained to perform saccades of different sizes and in different directions. A clear topography of saccade metrics was found in the cytoarchitectonically identified area LIP ventral (LIPv) contralateral to the direction of the eye movements. We demonstrate that the representation of the vertical meridian runs parallel to the fundus of the IPs and that it is not orthogonal to the representation of the horizontal meridian. Instead, the latter runs through the middle of LIPv parallel to its border with area LIP dorsal (LIPd). The upper part of oculomotor space is represented rostrally and dorsally relative to the horizontal meridian toward the LIPv-LIPd border, whereas the lower part of oculomotor space is represented caudally and ventrally toward the caudal edge of the IPs. Saccade amplitude is also represented in an orderly manner.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1118 - 1127
Number of pages10
JournalThe Journal of Neuroscience
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes

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