The northwest frontier: Spectroscopy of N ∼ Z nuclei below mass 100

R Wadsworth, B. N. Nara Singh, A. N. Steer, D. G. Jenkins, M. A. Bentley, T. Brock, P. Davies, R Glover, N S Pattabiraman, C Scholey, T Grahn, P T Greenlees, P. Jones, U. Jakobsson, R Julin, S Juutinen, S. Ketelhut, M Leino, M Nyman, P. PeruaJ Pakarinen, P Rahkila, P. Ruotslainen, J Sorri, J Uusitalo, C J Lister, P. A. Butler, M. Dimmock, D T Joss, J. Thomson, S. Rinta-Antila, B Cederwall, B Hadinia, M Sandzelius, A Atac, Kelly L. Betterman, A. Blazhev, N. Braun, F. Finke, K. Geibel, G. Ilie, H. Iwasaki, J Jolie, P Reiter, C. Scholl, N Warr, P Boutachkov, L. Caceres, Carmen R Domingo, T Engert, F. Farinon, J Gerl, N Goel, M. Gorska, H. Grawe, N Kurz, I. Kojuharov, S Pietri, C. Nociforo, Arthur Prochazka, H J Wollersheim, K. Eppinger, T. Faestermann, C. Hinke, R. Hoischen, R. Kruecken, A Gottardo, Z. Liu, Peter Woods, J Grebosz, Thomas E. Merchant, J Nyberg, P-A Soderstrom, Z Podolyak, P H Regan, Sharron Steer, M. Pfutzner, D Rudolph

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The spectroscopy and structure of excited states of N ∼ Z nuclei in the mass 70-100 region has been investigated using two techniques. In the A ∼ 70-80 region fusion evaporation reactions coupled with the recoil-β-tagging method have been employed at Jyvaskyla to study low-lying states in odd-odd N = Z nuclei. Results from these and other data for known odd-odd nuclei above mass 60 will be discussed. In the heavier mass 90 region a fragmentation experiment has been performed using the RISING/ FRS setup at GSI. This experiment was primarily aimed at searching for spin gap isomers in nuclei around A ∼ 96. The objectives of the latter experiment will be discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)611-620
Number of pages10
JournalActa Physica Polonica A
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2009
Externally publishedYes

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