The mythology of Salomon's case and the law dealing with the tort liabilities of corporate groups: An historical perspective

Phillip Lipton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Salomon s Case has for a long time been widely seen as a landmark case that is the keystone of modern company law. A mythology has developed around the case that has resulted in the Salomon principle exercising an iron grip on company law. The rigid application of the principle in Salomon s Case to corporate groups has enabled corporate groups to structure themselves in ways that limit the tort liabilities of the group as a whole and so raises important social, economic and ethical questions regarding the allocation of risk that are not addressed by the application of the Salomon principle. This article suggests that given the importance of the social, economic and ethical issues raised in cases of mass torts that invariably involve corporate groups, it is preferable that these issues are resolved by tort law, which is concerned with the allocation of risk, thereby circumventing the dead hand of Salomon.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)452 - 487
Number of pages36
JournalMonash University Law Review
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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