The financial impact of a breast cancer detected within and outside of screening: lessons from the Australian Lifepool cohort

Karinna Saxby, Carolyn Nickson, G. Bruce Mann, Louiza Velentzis, Hannah L. Bromley, Pietro Procopio, Karen Canfell, Dennis Petrie

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To determine the government and out-of-pocket community costs (out-of-hospital medical services and prescription medicines) associated with screen-detected and community-detected cancers (i.e. cancers detected outside of Australia's organised screening program [BreastScreen]). Methods: We analyse administrative data on government-subsidised medical services and prescription medicines for 568 Victorian women diagnosed with breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Using multivariable regression analysis, we estimate the government and out-of-pocket community costs incurred in the three years after diagnosis for screen-detected cancers and community-detected cancers. Additionally, we estimate the government costs associated with diagnosis within and outside of BreastScreen. Results: Average government costs for breast cancer diagnosis were similar within and outside of BreastScreen [$808 (lower limit 676; upper limit 940) vs $837 (95%CI 671; 1,003) respectively]; however, women with community-detected cancers incurred an additional $254 (95%CI 175; 332) out-of-pocket. Controlling for differences in known cancer characteristics, compared to screen-detected cancers, community-detected breast cancers were associated with an additional $2,622 (95%CI 644; 4,776) in government expenditure in the three years following diagnosis. Adverse cancer characteristics that were more prevalent in community-detected cancers (high grade, lymph node involvement, HER2 positive receptor status) were associated with increased government and out-of-pocket costs. Conclusions: Community-detected breast cancers were associated with increased government and out-of-pocket costs. Implications for public health: These costs should be considered when evaluating current and alternative breast cancer screening strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)219-226
Number of pages8
JournalAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2020


  • breast cancer
  • costs
  • healthcare use
  • out-of-pocket
  • screening

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