The e± cosmic-ray anomaly

Katie Auchettl, Csaba Balazs

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperOther


We extract the anomalous part of the cosmic e± flux via a Bayesian likelihood analysis using 219 cosmic ray data points. First we show that serious tension exists between the e± fluxes and the rest of the data. Interpreting this tension as an effect of an anomalous component on the e±data, we infer the values of selected cosmic ray propagation parameters by excluding the e± data from the analysis. Based on these values we calculate background predictions with theoretical uncertainties for PAMELA and Fermi-LAT. We find a statistically significant deviation between the Fermi-LAT e− +e+ data and the predicted background even when systematic uncertainties are taken into account. Identifying this deviation as an anomalous e± contribution we show that increased precision is required to distinguish between various sources that may be responsible for this contribution.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Science
Subtitle of host publication36th International Conference on High Energy Physics
Place of PublicationItaly
PublisherSissa Medialab, SRL
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 22 Aug 2013
EventInternational Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2012 - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 4 Jul 201211 Jul 2012
Conference number: 36th

Publication series

NameProceedings of Science
PublisherSissa Medialab srl
ISSN (Print)1824-8039


ConferenceInternational Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2012
Abbreviated titleICHEP2012
OtherThe Australian particle physics community was honoured to host the 36th ICHEP conference in 2012 in Melbourne. This conference has long been the reference event for our international community. The announcement of the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC was a major highlight, with huge international press coverage. ICHEP2012 was described by CERN Director-General, Professor Rolf Heuer, as a landmark conference for our field.
In additional to the Higgs announcement, important results from neutrino physics, from flavour physics, and from physics beyond the standard model also provided great interest.
There were also updates on key accelerator developments such as the new B-factories, plans for the LHC upgrade, neutrino facilities and associated detector developments.
ICHEP2012 exceeded the promise expected of the key conference for our field, and really did provide a reference point for the future.

Many thanks to the contribution reviewers: Andy Bakich, Csaba Balazs, Nicole Bell, Catherine Buchanan, Will Crump, Cameron Cuthbert, Ben Farmer, Sudhir Gupta, Elliot Hutchison, Paul Jackson, Geng-Yuan Jeng, Archil Kobakhidze, Doyoun Kim, Tong Li, Antonio Limosani (Head Editor), Kristian McDonald, Nikhul Patel, Aldo Saavedra, Mark Scarcella, Geoff Taylor, Ian Watson, Graham White, Tony Williams and Bruce Yabsley.
Internet address


  • Dark matter
  • Positron fraction
  • Cosmic rays
  • The status of the e +/- cosmic-ray anomaly

    Auchettl, K. & Balazs, C., 2012, 7th International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe. Balazs, C., Delepine, D., Khalil, S., Klypin, A., Ko, P., Munoz, C., Olive, K. A., Shafi, Q., Silk, J. & Wu, Y-L. (eds.). Bristol UK: IOP Publishing, p. 1 - 7 7 p. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series; vol. 384).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)

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