The Emergency Department waiting room: towards a speculative service design framework

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review


This paper describes an experimental, methodological approach to design research that draws upon the methods of speculative design and service design to present the framework of Speculative Service Design (SSD). This framework aims to aid service designers to explore and interrogate the tensions within future service experiences. Its goal is to draw on speculative tools and techniques to present them as a way to explore, extrapolate and evaluate future service experiences. SSD aims to imagine hypothetical service futures before they happen, decoupling design from direct market imperatives and illuminating the capacity that we, as citizens, have to influence its development and deployment. This paper then presents how this framework has been applied in practice to the Emergency Department waiting room within a practice-based PhD. This example investigates the role of technology in future waiting experiences in the Emergency Department, and is used as a vehicle to proactively reflect on service experience futures before they happen. In doing so, the framework provides designers with a method to unpack the ideologies and philosophies that drive the development and deployment of
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationServDes.2020 Tensions Paradoxes Plurality
Subtitle of host publicationConference Proceedings
EditorsYoko Akama, Liam Fennessy, Sara Harrington, Anna Farago
PublisherLinkoping University Electronic Press
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9789179297794
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventServDes.2020: Tensions / Paradoxes / Plurality - RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 2 Feb 20215 Feb 2021


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  • emergency department waiting room
  • speculative service design
  • speculative design
  • service design

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