The Discourses of Disability and Disability Sports Coaching in Australian sport policy: Preliminary findings from contemporary Swimming Australia policy documents

Andrew Hammond, Deana Leahy, Ruth Jeanes

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review


    In the contemporary moment, various government agencies (e.g. Australian Sports Commission: ASC, National Sports organisations: NSOs and State Sport Organisations: SSOs) approach sports coaching practice as something that can and must be regulated, controlled, shaped and turned to specific ends. Researchers have seldom analysed how the government has deliberately sought to direct the conduct of sports coaching. This study is concerned with how government agencies attempt to regulate the conduct of sports coaches in order to meet the specific policy outcome of increasing participation of disabled people in organised sport. By using Michel Foucault s genealogical analysis of political power-governmentality, this paper presents proposed theory and methodology from my PhD study that examined the discursive constitution of disability sports coaching as represented in selected contemporary Swimming Australia sport policy documents. Findings suggest that there are potentially confusing mixed messages in the various policies. The implications of this will be discussed. This study fulfils a gap in sports pedagogy research and aims to promote debate and discussion about the implications for sports coaches practice and broader sports pedagogy research community.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationValues into Action - A Brighter Future
    Subtitle of host publication29th ACHPER International Conference
    EditorsMurray Drummond
    Place of PublicationKent Town SA Australia
    PublisherAustralian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
    Pages206 - 216
    Number of pages11
    ISBN (Print)9780994175236
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventACHPER International Conference 2015 - Prince Alfred College, Adelaide, Australia
    Duration: 13 Apr 201515 Apr 2015
    Conference number: 29th


    ConferenceACHPER International Conference 2015
    Abbreviated titleACHPER 2015
    Internet address

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