The differential impact of UK accredited teaching development programmes on academics' approaches to teaching

Andria Hanbury, Michael Prosser, Mark Rickinson

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78 Citations (Scopus)


This mixed methods study used a survey with programme completers from 32 UK higher education institutions, and interviews and focus groups with programme completers, programme leaders, heads of department and pro-vice-chancellors, to explore the perceived impact of UK-accredited teaching development programmes upon participants and departments. The perceived relation between the programmes and institutional missions and strategies was also explored, as well as areas for further development and improvement of the programmes. It was found that participants perceived themselves to be significantly more student-focused in their teaching after attending a programme, with those from newer institutions and health sciences disciplines experiencing the greatest conceptual change and rating the programmes most positively. There were some positive examples of departmental impacts, and the programmes were seen to align more closely with institutional teaching and learning strategies than mission statements. Areas for further development and improvement of the programmes are discussed in relation to reducing programme workload, and improving the balance between generic and discipline-specific aspects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)469 - 483
Number of pages15
JournalStudies in Higher Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes

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