The cosmic e± anomaly

K. Auchettl, C. Balázs

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperOther


Via a Bayesian likelihood analysis using 219 recent cosmic ray spectral data points we extract the anomalous part of the cosmic e± flux. First we show that a significant tension exists between the e± related and the rest of the fluxes. Interpreting this tension as the presence of an anomalous component in the e± related data, we then infer the values of selected cosmic ray propagation parameters excluding the anomalous data sample from the analysis. Based on these values we calculate background predictions with theoretical uncertainties for PAMELA and Fermi-LAT. We find a statistically significant deviation between the Fermi-LAT e- +e+ data and the predicted background even when (systematic) uncertainties are taken into account. Identifying this deviation as an anomalous e±contribution, we make an attempt to distinguish between various sources that may be responsible for the anomalous e± flux.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings to the 14th Workshop
Subtitle of host publicationWhat Comes Beyond the Standard Models
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventBled Workshop in Physics 2011: What Comes Beyond the Standard Models - Bled, Slovenia
Duration: 11 Jul 201121 Jul 2011

Publication series

NameBled Workshops in Physics
ISSN (Print)1580-4992


WorkshopBled Workshop in Physics 2011
OtherProceedings to the 14th International Workshop "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models", July 11-21, 2011, Bled, Slovenia
  • The status of the e +/- cosmic-ray anomaly

    Auchettl, K. & Balazs, C., 2012, 7th International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe. Balazs, C., Delepine, D., Khalil, S., Klypin, A., Ko, P., Munoz, C., Olive, K. A., Shafi, Q., Silk, J. & Wu, Y-L. (eds.). Bristol UK: IOP Publishing, p. 1 - 7 7 p. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series; vol. 384).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)

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