The art of placing participants at centre of the care team: the Support Facilitator role in the Partners in Recovery initiative.

Keith Sutton

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    This presentation explores the competencies of and role played by the Support Facilitator in the PIR initiative from a mental health service delivery perspective. In-depth interviews were conducted with Support Facilitators, staff from referring service providers, consumers and carer participants of the PIR initiative in Gippsland, Victoria. Thematic analysis identified the following key themes: a) Competencies of the Support Facilitator include understanding the local services, administrative and social skills; b) the Support Facilitator’s role focuses being a single point of contact, providing care coordination, assisting the client to become self-reliant, achieving good outcomes for clients with confronting behaviours, judiciously using flexible funding, clearly outlining their role with clients and maintaining boundaries and performing a different role from that of the mental health case manager. PIR service described the importance of the care coordination approach to their recovery journey. Carers indicated that they also derived benefits from their engagement with the PIR initiative. The Support Facilitator roles and competencies were congruent with the defined characteristics of a care coordination approach. The results have implications for future approaches to placing the service user at the centre of the care team through implementing care coordination.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2016
    EventMental Health Services (MHS) Conference 2016: People: Authenticity Starts in the Heart - The Langham, Auckland, New Zealand
    Duration: 23 Aug 201626 Aug 2016


    ConferenceMental Health Services (MHS) Conference 2016
    Abbreviated titleTheMHS
    Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
    Internet address


    • mental health
    • recovery
    • Care coordination

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