Teaching digital literacies and language through transmedia storytelling

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    Transmedia Storytelling is an innovative approach to teaching digital literacies in EAL contexts in which different parts of a narrative are delivered across multiple physical and digital platforms. This approach will be introduced to participants in this workshop who will then be immersed and scaffolded into creating their own resource. This highly practical workshop designed for primary and secondary EAL/D teachers will provide opportunities for participants to plan and design transmedia storytelling units with the help of a flexible framework, relevant examples and facilitators’ support. Participants will discuss how the Transmedia Storytelling units can be linked to their own and the Australian Curriculum (ICT capability), include EAL texts, use available technologies, and connect with a wider community. The workshop will conclude with a collective sharing so that participants can access other Transmedia Storytelling units that they can customise to meet the needs of their own students and contexts. Participants are asked to bring their own digital devices (e.g. ipads, laptops) to use during the workshop. The approach and resources have been developed as an outcome of a research project funded by VicTESOL “Improving Refugee Students’ Access to Digital Literacies: Integrating Transmedia Storytelling in an EAL (Year 7) Classroom” in 2017
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventAustralian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) Conference 2018: English language learning in a mobile world - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
    Duration: 2 Oct 20185 Oct 2018
    https://www.conveneit.com/secure/onsite/acta_2018/ (Conference website)


    ConferenceAustralian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) Conference 2018
    Abbreviated titleACTA 2018
    Internet address


    • digital literacies
    • TESOL
    • storytelling

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