Stream ecosystem functioning in an agricultural landscape: The importance of terrestrial-aquatic linkages

Sally Hladyz, Kajsa Abjornsson, Eric Chauvet, Michael Dobson, Arturo Elosegi, Veronica Ferreira, Tadeusz Fleituch, Mark Gessner, Paul Giller, Vladislav Gulis, Stephen Hutton, Jean Lacoursiere, Sylvain Lamothe, Antoine Lecerf, Bjorn Malmqvist, Brendan McKie, Marius Nistorescu, Elena Preda, Miira Riipinen, Geta RisnoveanuMarkus Schindler, Scott Tiegs, Lena Vought, Guy Woodward

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Researchpeer-review

87 Citations (Scopus)


The loss of native riparian vegetation and its replacement with non-native species or grazing land for agriculture is a worldwide phenomenon, but one that is prevalent in Europe, reflecting the heavily-modified nature of the continenta??s landscape. The consequences of these riparian alterations for freshwater ecosystems remain largely unknown, largely because bioassessment has traditionally focused on the impacts of organic pollution on community structure. We addressed the need for a broader perspective, which encompasses changes at the catchment scale, by comparing ecosystem processes in woodland reference sites with those with altered riparian zones. We assessed a range of riparian modifications, including clearance for pasture and replacement of woodland with a range of low diversity plantations, in 100 streams to obtain a continental-scale perspective of the major types of alterations across Europe.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Ecological Research 44
EditorsGuy Woodward
Place of PublicationUK
PublisherAcademic Press
Pages211 - 276
Number of pages66
ISBN (Print)978-0-12-374794-5
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes

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