Stability of single-atomic-layer-height disconnections on (101¯2) twin boundary in Mg

Yuan Yue, Yu Zhang, Jian Nie

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9 Citations (Scopus)


Four different configurations of single-atomic-layer-height disconnections on (101¯2) twin boundary in magnesium are investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. It is found that a prismatic-basal (PB) single-atomic-layer-height disconnection is more stable than a basal-prismatic (BP) single-atomic-layer-height disconnection when each of them is connected with an I1 stacking fault associated with a stacking sequence change of BABCB. In contrast, a BP single-atomic-layer-height disconnection is more stable than a PB single-atomic-layer-height disconnection when each of them is connected with an I1 fault associated with a stacking sequence change of ABACA. A stable BP (or PB) single-atomic-layer-height disconnection can transform to a stable PB (or BP) single-atomic-layer-height disconnection when its step orientation changes with a change in the lying plane of the connected I1 fault.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114407
Number of pages7
JournalScripta Materialia
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022


  • (101¯2) Twin boundary
  • Basal-prismatic or prismatic-basal interface
  • I staking fault
  • Magnesium
  • Single-atomic-layer-height disconnections

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