Spectral analysis of the evolution of energy-containing eddies

Ezhilsabareesh Kannadasan, Callum Atkinson, Julio Soria

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Energy-containing eddies (energy-eddies) are the elementary structures of wall turbulence that carry most of the kinetic energy and momentum. Despite the consensus that energy-eddies can self-sustain at each relevant length scale, their precise origin and spatial evolution are currently not well understood. In this study, we examine the spatial evolution of energy-eddies by quenching them at the inflow of a turbulent channel flow. Our study shows that the eddies involved in the energy cascade cannot be sustained without the energy-eddies. The streamwise velocity spectra of the evolving flow start to recover at a spanwise wavelength of, equal to the near-wall spacing of streaks in the buffer layer located at, whereas there are no active vortical motions in the streamwise vorticity spectra until the energy at the streak location is re-established. Hence, the present study demonstrates that in a spatially evolving flow, the formation of near-wall streaks is the primary process necessary in the recovery of energy-eddies.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberR1
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jan 2023


  • turbulence simulation
  • turbulence theory
  • turbulent boundary layers

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