Smart Homes for Seniors: Intelligent Home Solutions for Independent Living

Yolande Strengers, Melisa Duque Hurtado, Michael Mortimer, Sarah Pink, Alicia Eugene, Rex Martin, Larissa Nicholls, Ben Horan, Sue Thomson

Research output: Book/ReportOther ReportResearch


With an increasing ageing population globally, there is growing interest in ‘smart home’ technologies that can assist older adults to continue living at home. Contemporary research confirms that technology can support positive ageing and create increased opportunities to age in place without loss of independence. This is particularly important for older people living in rural, regional and remote areas, who have lower levels of access to services and poorer outcomes against a range of health and wellbeing indicators.

This report details the findings from the Smart Homes for Seniors project, which was designed to address the research and knowledge gaps relating to older people’s use of smart home technologies, and evaluate their potential for supporting wellbeing and independence in regional and rural communities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTravancore VIC AUS
PublisherMcLean Care
Number of pages123
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


  • sociology of health
  • Ageing practices
  • Smart home technologies
  • Digital technologies
  • elderly human subjects
  • ethnographic research

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