Simulating survival data using the simsurv R package

Samuel L. Brilleman, Rory Wolfe, Margarita Moreno-Betancur, Michael J. Crowther

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34 Citations (Scopus)


The simsurv R package allows users to simulate survival (i.e., time-to-event) data from standard parametric distributions (exponential, Weibull, and Gompertz), two-component mixture distributions, or a user-defined hazard function. Baseline covariates can be included under a proportional hazards assumption. Clustered event times, for example indi-viduals within a family, are also easily accommodated. Time-dependent effects (i.e., non-proportional hazards) can be included by interacting covariates with linear time or a user-defined function of time. Under a user-defined hazard function, event times can be generated for a variety of complex models such as flexible (spline-based) baseline hazards, models with time-varying covariates, or joint longitudinal-survival models.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-27
Number of pages27
JournalJournal of Statistical Software
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


  • R
  • Simulation
  • Survival
  • Time-to-event

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