Searching every nook and cranny – the challenges of locating research data in universities

Dianne Brown, Komathy Padmanabhan, Patrick Splawa-Neyman, Nicholas McPhee, Eva Fisch

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Situation: Research data is complex, varied and vast. Governing research data effectively is an obligation of both researcher and institution which poses many challenges, including knowing where research data is located, who has rights (and responsibilities) over that data and if that data needs to be protected, retained or catalogued.

Task: To create a Research Data System Catalogue (RDSC) as the basis for a range of research data governance activities.

Action: Monash University undertook a process to (i) identify the systems where research data was currently reposing; (ii) map the metadata that was collected about the data on those systems; (iii) gain consensus on a minimum priority set of metadata to be aligned or collected in the future; (iv) use the resulting RDSC to develop further tools and guidance on research data governance.

The process has identified over 35 systems, controlled by the University, where researchers collect, store, transfer, share and analyse their data. The mapping of the metadata has provided the basis for a prioritised set of metadata subsequently agreed by key stakeholders. The RDSC has been used to develop guidance on the appropriateness of systems for research use as well as provide decision-makers with the visibility over the quantum and type of research data held on each system. The next steps will be to draw together the metadata currently collected and provide further insight into the number of projects/ datasets, department/ school distribution and commence collection of metadata on systems that currently do not.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2023
EventeResearch Australasia 2023 - Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 16 Oct 202320 Oct 2023


ConferenceeResearch Australasia 2023
Internet address

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