SCAT3 changes from baseline and associations with X2 Patch measured head acceleration in amateur Australian football players

Catherine Willmott, Andrew S. McIntosh, Teresa Howard, Biswadev Mitra, Bleydy Dimech-Betancourt, Jarrod Donovan, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Objectives: To investigate changes from baseline on SCAT3 as a result of football game exposure, and association with X2 Patch measured head acceleration events in amateur Australian footballers. Design: Prospective cohort. Methods: Peak linear acceleration (PLA) of the head (>10 g) was measured by wearable head acceleration sensor X2 Biosystems X-Patch in male (n = 34) and female (n = 19) Australian footballers. SCAT3 was administered at baseline (B) and post-game (PG). Results: 1394 head acceleration events (HEA) >10 g were measured. Mean and median HEA PLA were recorded as 15.2 g (SD = 9.2, range = 10.0-115.8) and 12.4 g (IQR = 11.0-15.6) respectively. No significant difference in median HEA PLA (g) was detected across gender (p = 0.55), however, more HEAs were recorded in males (p = 0.03). A greater number (p = 0.004) and severity (p <. 0.001) of symptoms were reported PG than at B. No significant association between number of HEA or median PLA, and SCAT3 change scores (p >. 0.05 for all), was identified for either gender. Conclusions: Increase in symptom severity post game was not associated with X2 measured HEA. Males sustained more HEA, however HEA PLA magnitude did not differ across gender. Further work on the validation of head acceleration sensors is required and their role in sports concussion research and medical management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)442-446
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


  • Australian
  • Biomechanics
  • Football
  • General
  • Head impact
  • Head injuries/concussion

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