Safest Nearby Neighbor Queries in Road Networks

Punam Biswas, Tanzima Hashem, Muhammad Aamir Cheema

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Safety on the roads has become a major concern in recent days. Travellers prefer to avoid road inconveniences that may occur from crime incidents, street harassment, protests or riots during unrest in a country. To facilitate safe travel, we introduce a novel query for road networks called the $k$ safest nearby neighbor (SNN) query. Given a query location $v_{l}$ , a distance constraint $d_{c}$ and a point of interest $p_{i}$ , we define the safest path from $v_{l}$ to $p_{i}$ as the path with the highest path safety score among all the paths from $v_{l}$ to $p_{i}$ with length less than $d_{c}$. The path safety score is computed considering the road safety of each road segment on the path. Given a query location $v_{l}$ , a distance constraint $d_{c}$ and a set of POIs $P$ , a $k$ SNN query returns $k$ POIs with the $k$ highest path safety scores in $P$ along with their respective safest paths from the query location. We develop two novel indexing structures called $Ct$ -tree and a safety score based Voronoi diagram (SNVD). We propose two efficient query processing algorithms each exploiting one of the proposed indexes to effectively refine the search space using the properties of the index. Our extensive experimental study on real datasets demonstrates that our solution is on average an order of magnitude faster than the baseline.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7270-7284
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023


  • Ct-tree
  • road networks
  • safest nearby neighbor
  • safest path
  • Voronoi diagram

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