RingCT 2.0: A compact accumulator-based (linkable ring signature) protocol for blockchain cryptocurrency Monero

Shi-Feng Sun, Man Ho Au, Joseph K. Liu, Tsz Hon Yuen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review

    212 Citations (Scopus)


    In this work, we initially study the necessary properties and security requirements of Ring Confidential Transaction (RingCT) protocol deployed in the popular anonymous cryptocurrency Monero. Firstly, we formalize the syntax of RingCT protocol and present several formal security definitions according to its application in Monero. Based on our observations on the underlying (linkable) ring signature and commitment schemes, we then put forward a new efficient RingCT protocol (RingCT 2.0), which is built upon the well-known Pedersen commitment, accumulator with one-way domain and signature of knowledge (which altogether perform the functions of a linkable ring signature). Besides, we show that it satisfies the security requirements if the underlying building blocks are secure in the random oracle model. In comparison with the original RingCT protocol, our RingCT 2.0 protocol presents a significant space saving, namely, the transaction size is independent of the number of groups of input accounts included in the generalized ring while the original RingCT suffers a linear growth with the number of groups, which would allow each block to process more transactions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComputer Security – ESORICS 2017 - 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Proceedings
    EditorsSimon Foley, Einar Snekkenes, Dieter Gollmann
    Place of PublicationCham, Switzerland
    Number of pages19
    ISBN (Electronic)9783319663999
    ISBN (Print)9783319663982
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventEuropean Symposium On Research In Computer Security 2017 - Oslo, Norway
    Duration: 11 Sept 201715 Sept 2017
    Conference number: 22nd
    https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-66402-6 (Proceedings)

    Publication series

    NameLecture Notes in Computer Science
    ISSN (Print)0302-9743
    ISSN (Electronic)1611-3349


    ConferenceEuropean Symposium On Research In Computer Security 2017
    Abbreviated titleESORICS 2017
    Internet address

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