Riders acceptance of advanced rider assistance systems

Elisabeth Füssl, Manuel Oberlader, M. Lenné, V. Beanland, M. Pereira, A. Simões, Ch Turetschek, C. Kaufmann, S. Joshi, L. Rößger, L. Leden, I. Spyropoulou, H. Roebroeck, J. Carvalhais, J. Underwood

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperOther

1 Citation (Scopus)


The development of assistive systems and intelligent transport systems (ITS) plays an important role for improving the safety of powered two-wheelers (PTWs). Assistive systems for cars are well known and increasingly popular but for PTW riders the development of Advanced Rider Assistance Systems (ARAS) and On-Bike Information Systems (OBIS) has not progressed far enough yet. Estimates suggest that population-wide deployment of ARAS could reduce crashes by up to 40% (Lenné et al., 2011). Within the 2BESAFE project the factors that affect the acceptance of ARAS and OBIS of PTW riders and the obstacles that may hold PTW riders off from the use of assistive systems have been identified. A literature review, focus group interviews and an online survey have been conducted. The results show that the acceptability of systems depends on their function. The acceptability is higher for systems that were perceived to be more useful in emergencies. Survey respondents raised several concerns regarding the acceptance of assistive systems for PTWs. Respondents of the on-line survey felt that there was too much focus on assistive systems as a means of improving PTW rider safety, and less on the dangers that motorcyclists face actually from the actions of other road users.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication19th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, ITS 2012
PublisherIntelligent Transportation Society of America
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventWorld Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2012 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 22 Oct 201226 Oct 2012
Conference number: 19th


ConferenceWorld Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2012
Abbreviated titleITS 2012


  • ARAS (Advanced Rider Assistance Systems)
  • OBIS (On-Bike Information Systems)
  • Rider profiles
  • User Acceptance

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