Revisiting the impact of education philosophies and theories in experiential learning: simulation education

Irwyn Shepherd, Elyssebeth Leigh, Amanda Davies

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Otherpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    Familiar habits around experiential teaching and learning that have evolved during the development of International Business (IB) as an educational discipline
    are being questioned in the twenty-first century. The first, and perhaps the most
    obvious of these questions, concerns the ways in which technology, such as web based information and social media, is rapidly altering individual access to
    knowledge. The second concerns employers’ increasing assertion of their right to
    define the capabilities they expect of new graduate employees (Jackson &
    Chapman, 2012). The third is that students themselves now have quite different
    expectations about how and what education has to offer them—especially
    around the importance of knowledge sharing in the digital space rather than knowledge hoarding (Hase & Kenyon, 2000). Students are thus being oriented
    toward a future where knowing how to learn using immersive, interactive and
    reflective activities eclipses the current focus on knowing what to memorize. All
    of these factors indicate that International Business educators are facing challenges on current modes of teaching and assumptions about how to formulate, deliver and assess relevant learning outcomes (LOs) in this changing landscape.
    This chapter invites readers to pause and reflect on their current level of
    awareness of, and ability to address, the andragogy1 related to experiential
    learning in tertiary IB education settings. The chapter focuses on how to contribute more effectively to experiential learning and teaching in IB through
    identification and use of best practice and evidence-based educational underpinnings, particularly relevant to uses of simulation as a teaching and learning method. Evidence from educational practices in other disciplines is offered in support of this approach, and a research-based Conceptual Framework model, which identifies and describes ten pivotal, interacting education theories, is provided to facilitate application of experiential learning strategies. The
    Conceptual Framework model is web-based, allowing accessibility and interactivity. Two different examples using this model are presented to demonstrate starting points for IB educators, who are attending to fundamentals of course, unit and content design. These are provided to show how educators
    can construct bespoke, contextualized and experiential learning strategies
    while encompassing relevant theories and activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management
    EditorsMaria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Karen Lynden, Vas Taras
    Place of PublicationCham Switzerland
    PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
    Number of pages24
    ISBN (Electronic)9783030204150
    ISBN (Print)9783030204143
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2019


    • Education philosophies
    • Experiential learning
    • Simulation based education
    • Conceptual framework

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