Results from an international survey of donor and recipient eligibility for solid organ pancreas transplantation

Jonathan E.H. Ling, Kevan R. Polkinghorne, John Kanellis

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Current solid organ pancreas transplantation protocols have differing donor criteria for donor pancreas acceptance and recipient eligibility criteria for transplant workup. We quantified this variation and compared current Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) solid pancreas transplant eligibility criteria with current international practice. Material/Methods: A survey of donor and recipient eligibility criteria for solid pancreas transplantation was disseminated to 85 transplant units in 23 countries. Responses were grouped by regions (ANZ, North America, Eurotransplant, Europe, United Kingdom) and analyzed for significant differences between regions and for ANZ compared to all other regions. Results: Responding UK pancreas transplant units reported the highest mean donor upper age limit (61 years old) and the highest mean donation after cardiac death donor (DCD) age limit (55 years old). All responding UK and USA units utilized DCD pancreas donors and accepted suitable type 2 diabetes (T2DM) recipients for pancreas transplantation; however, this was less common among responding European or Eurotransplant units. ANZ mean standard and DCD pancreas donor upper age limits (47 and 35 years old, respectively) were lower compared to all other regions (54 years old and 48 years old, respectively). Conclusions: Pancreas donor age limits, DCD pancreas donor utilization, and transplanting T2DM recipients differ between responding pancreas transplant units. ANZ units have more conservative donor upper age limits compared to other responding units. Increased utilization of DCD pancreas donors and T2DM recipients while standardiz­ing pancreas donor age limits might increase donor numbers and improve access to solid pancreas transplan­tation both locally and abroad.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere930787
Number of pages12
JournalAnnals of Transplantation
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Donor Selection
  • Eligibility Determination
  • Pancreas Transplantation
  • Resource Allocation
  • Transplantation

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