Responding to Revenge Pornography: Prevalence, Nature and Impacts

Nicola Henry, Asher Flynn, Anastasia Powell

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned ReportOther


mage-based sexual abuse (IBSA) is a term used to describe a pattern of behaviours involving the non-consensual creation, distribution, or threats to distribute, nude or sexual images (photographs or videos). Also known as 'revenge pornography' or 'non-consensual pornography', IBSA affects a significant proportion of the population and has wide-ranging and significant impacts.
This report provides an empirical account of IBSA in Australia, including documenting the prevalence, nature and impacts of victimisation and perpetration, and analysing the effects of existing and proposed laws governing IBSA in Australia. The study addresses three key questions:
1. What is the nature and prevalence of IBSA in Australia, and what are the impacts on victims?
2. What are the merits and limitations of existing Australian and comparative legislative models for responding to IBSA?
3. What are the perceptions of key legal, policy and support stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of existing legislation and the need for new legislative models for responding to IBSA in Australia?
The study involved a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology comprising the first- ever national online survey of IBSA victimisation and perpetration; legislative analysis of criminal offences in Australia and internationally; stakeholder engagement; and 44 in-depth interviews conducted with 52 key stakeholders across three states (New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra ACT Australia
PublisherAustralian Research Council
Commissioning bodyAustralian Institute of Criminology (AIC) (Australia)
Number of pages126
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • image-based abuse
  • image-based sexual abuse
  • revenge pornography

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