Renin processing studied by immunogold localization of prorenin and renin in granular juxtaglomerular cells in mice treated with enalapril

Jennifer L.A. Berka, Daine Alcorn, Graeme B. Ryan, Sandford L. Skinner

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Immunogold techniques were used to investigate renin processing within granular juxtaglomerular cells following short-term (6 h and 1 day) and long-term (4 weeks) enalapril treatment in female BALB/c mice. In control animals, renin protein labelling was localized to all types of granules (proto-, polymorphous, intermediate and mature) and to transport vesicles, whilst prorenin labelling was found in all these sites except mature granules, confirming that active renin is localized to mature granules only. Following short-term enalapril treatment, the exocytosis of renin protein from mature granules was increased. Long-term enalapril treatment resulted in increased numbers of transport vesicles and all types of granules, consistent with increased synthesis and storage of renin. More large intermediate granules contained discrete regions labelled for prorenin. Renin protein was exocytosed from individual and multiple granules, whilst prorenin was exocytosed from protoand intermediate granules. It is concluded that under normal conditions prorenin is secreted constitutively by bulk flow from transport vesicles. On the other hand, active renin is secreted regulatively from mature granules. In conditions of intense stimulation (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition treatment), increased synthesis of prorenin leads to enhanced secretion of prorenin by both constitutive and regulative pathways. Under these conditions, the conversion of prorenin to active renin is increased, with increased secretion of active renin occurring in a regulative manner. Furthermore, the localization of prorenin to one discrete region of large intermediate granules leads us to conclude, that cleavage of the prosegment of renin occurs with the transition of intermediate to mature granules.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-148
Number of pages8
JournalCell and Tissue Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 1992
Externally publishedYes


  • Exocytosis
  • Granular juxtaglomerular cell
  • Immunogold technique
  • Mouse (BALB/c)
  • Prorenin
  • Renin

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