Regulation of the sonography profession and patient safety: A comparative study between Australia and New Zealand with implications for statutory regulation

J. McInerney, S. Meiklejohn, P. Lombardo, C. Cowling, J. Sim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Introduction: The primary aim of statutory regulation in healthcare is patient safety. Few studies examine health professionals’ perceptions of statutory regulation and its impact on patient safety. Statutory regulation of sonographers is different in Australia and New Zealand which affords a unique opportunity to compare and contrast regulation and its impact. Methods: An interpretive policy analysis investigated how statutory regulation in the sonography profession addresses patient safety in Australia and New Zealand. A framework analysis explored relevant statutory regulatory policy as well as interviews from sonographers. Results: Four policy documents were included. Thirty-one sonographers in Australia and nine in New Zealand took part in semi-structured interviews. Four themes described statutory regulation and its impact on patient safety: how statutory regulation is implemented in practice to address patient safety; factors contributing to implementation of statutory regulation; impact of statutory regulation on sonographers; and considerations for regulation. Conclusion: Statutory regulation provides a reference point for safe practice but can be non-specific in defining sonographers’ roles and outlining strategies that address patient safety. Sonographers' perspectives of how regulation of practice addresses patient safety was mixed. A gap exists in sonographers’ understanding of the role of statutory regulation in patient safety. Implications for practice: Regulatory authorities must consider how to effectively engage and educate both patients and practitioners about their role in patient safety. Practitioners should also take the opportunity to engage in understanding the role of statutory regulation in enhancing patient safety. A broader view of how Fitness-to-Practice in sonography is managed should be considered in light of the findings.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1173-1179
Number of pages7
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Framework analysis
  • Patient safety
  • Policy analysis
  • Regulation of practice
  • Ultrasound

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