Regional Heterogeneity in the Configuration of the Intracortical Canals of the Femoral Shaft

Egon Perilli, Yohann Bala, Roger Zebaze, Karen J. Reynolds, Ego Seeman

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32 Citations (Scopus)


Three-dimensional (3D) characterization of cortical porosity, most of which is under 100 µm in diameter, is usually confined to measurements made in 3–4 mm diameter cylinders of bone. We used micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanning of entire transaxial cross sections of human proximal femoral shafts (30–35 mm diameter) to quantify regional variation in porosity within the same scan. Complete, up to 10-mm-thick, transaxial slices of femoral upper shafts from 8 female cadavers were studied (n = 3 aged 29–37 years, n = 5 aged 72–90 years). Scanning was performed using high-resolution micro-CT (8.65 µm/voxel). Micro-CT volumes (10 × 10 × 5 mm) were selected via software in the anterior, medial and lateral regions. Images were segmented with voids appearing as 3D-interconnected canals. The percent void-to-tissue volume (Vo.V/TV) and the corresponding void surface area/TV were 86–309 % higher in older than younger subjects in anterior (p = 0.034), medial (p = 0.077), and lateral aspects (p = 0.034). Although not significant, void separation was reciprocally lower by 19–39 %, and void diameter was 65 % larger in older than younger subjects; void number tended to be 24–25 % higher medially and laterally but not anteriorly. For all specimens combined, medially there was higher Vo.V/TV and void surface area/TV than anteriorly (+48 %, p = 0.018; +33 %, p = 0.018) and laterally (+56 %, p = 0.062; +36 %, p = 0.043). There is regional heterogeneity in the 3D microarchitecture of the intracortical canals of the femoral shaft. The higher void volume in advanced age appears to be due to larger, rather than more, pores. However, creation of new canals from existing canals may contribute, depending on the location. High-resolution micro-computed tomography scanning of entire bone segments enables quantification of the 3D microanatomy of the intracortical void network at multiple locations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)327-335
Number of pages9
JournalCalcified Tissue International
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Cortical bone
  • Micro-CT
  • Osteoporosis
  • Porosity
  • Voids

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