Refugees and Media

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    Some 12 million people have fled their homes since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The UN
    also claims that in July, more than 5.2 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded across
    Europe. According to Slovene police data, since the start of the war in Ukraine, there are 23,000
    Ukrainians that now live in Slovenia. This presentation will offer some preliminary findings from research
    conducted in June 2022 in Slovenia, in order to offer arguments about Ukraine refugees in Europe, and
    specifically, in Slovenia. It will also address how the Slovene government appropriated and framed the
    Ukrainian refugee "crisis" for its own purposes (elections in Slovenia took place in May). I will share
    some data from media coverage on Ukrainian refugees, and how these have been framed in
    mainstream media
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Aug 2022
    EventBorders Mobility Migration - Melbourne, Melbourne
    Duration: 25 Aug 202226 Sept 2022


    ConferenceBorders Mobility Migration
    Internet address

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