Refined separation of combined Fe-Hf from rock matrices for isotope analyses using AG-MP-1M and Ln-Spec chromatographic extraction resins

Ting Cheng, Oliver Nebel, Paolo A Sossi, Fukun Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


A combined procedure for separating Fe and Hf from a single rock digestion is presented. In a two-stage chromatographic extraction process, a purified Fe fraction is first quantitatively separated from the rock matrix using AG-MP-1M resin in HCl. Hafnium is subsequently isolated using a modified version of a commonly applied method using Eichrom LN-Spec resin. Our combined method includes:•Purification of Fe from the rock matrix using HCl, ready for mass spectrometric analysis.•Direct loading of the matrix onto the resin that is used for Hf purification.•Collection of a Fe-free Hf fraction.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)144-150
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

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