Reconsidering the safety in numbers effect for vulnerable road users: an application of agent-based modeling

Jason Hugh Thompson, Giovanni Savino, Mark Robert Stevenson

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Increasing levels of active transport provide benefits in relation to chronic disease and emissions reduction but may be associated with an increased risk of road trauma. The safety in numbers (SiN) effect is often regarded as a solution to this issue; however, the mechanisms underlying its influence are largely unknown. We aimed to (1) replicate the SiN effect within a simple, simulated environment and (2) vary bicycle density within the environment to better understand the circumstances under which SiN applies. Methods: Using an agent-based modeling approach, we constructed a virtual transport system that increased the number of bicycles from 9 to 35 of total vehicles over a period of 1,000 time units while holding the number of cars in the system constant. We then repeated this experiment under conditions of progressively decreasing bicycle density. Results: We demonstrated that the SiN effect can be reproduced in a virtual environment, closely approximating the exponential relationships between cycling numbers and the relative risk of collision as shown in observational studies. The association, however, was highly contingent upon bicycle density. The relative risk of collisions between cars and bicycles with increasing bicycle numbers showed an association that is progressively linear at decreasing levels of density.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)147 - 153
Number of pages7
JournalTraffic Injury Prevention
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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