
Callum Morton (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formCommissioned or Visual ArtworkResearch


A one to one replica of the reception space and the artist's dealer at Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne. The work mined the narratives of institutional critique, confronting the audience with a doubling of the two subjects that are impediments to the unfettered reception of an artwork, the literal non-place of a galleries reception area and a strange simulation of the commercial dealer, urging the audience to move through the work to a space beyond which was empty.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Vic, Australia
PublisherAnna Schwartz Gallery
Size344 x 657 x 512 cm
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventReception - Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Duration: 3 Mar 201623 Apr 2016


  • fine art
  • installation art
  • contemporary art
  • Australian art
  • sclupture

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