QTL analysis of morphological and developmental traits in the Ler x Cvi population of Arabidopsis thaliana - QTL analysis in Arabidopsis

Champa Kumari Bandaranayake, Rachil Koumproglou, Xiao Yu Wang, Timothy Wilkes, Michael John Kearsey

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7 Citations (Scopus)


QTL analysis of 16 morphological/developmental traits is reported for the Landsberg erecta x Cape Verde islands (Ler x Cvi) population of RILs, together with their genotypes for 16 SSR markers. A total of 43 QTL were found across all 5 chromosomes for the 16 traits analyzed; 8 QTL that control height, 19 QTL for leaf characters and 16 QTL for flowering characters. These QTL form six distinct clusters spread across chromosomes 1-4, while chromosome 5 has QTL along its length. We have confirmed four QTL identified by others, revealed several new QTL affecting flowering and height traits and demonstrated epistasis for several traits. We have identified several possible candidate genes for these QTL, some of which are potentially relevant to plant breeding aims.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)361 - 371
Number of pages11
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes

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