Proteomic analysis of the intestinal adaptation response reveals altered expression of fatty acid binding proteins following massive small bowel resection

Andrew N. Stephens, Prue M. Pereira-Fantini, Guineva Wilson, Russell G. Taylor, Adam Rainczuk, Katie L. Meehan, Magdy Sourial, Peter J. Fuller, Peter G. Stanton, David M. Robertson, Julie E. Bines

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Intestinal adaptation in response to the loss of the small intestine is essential to restore enteral autonomy in patients who have undergone massive small bowel resection (MSBR). In a proportion of patients, intestinal function is not restored, resulting in chronic intestinal failure (IF). Early referral of such patients for transplant provides the best prognosis; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying intestinal adaptation remain elusive and there is currently no convenient marker to predict whether patients will develop IF. We have investigated the adaptation response in a well-characterized porcine model of intestinal adaptation. 2D DIGE analysis of ileal epithelium from piglets recovering from massive small bowel resection (MSBR) identified over 60 proteins that changed specifically in MSBR animals relative to nonoperational or sham-operated controls. Three fatty acid binding proteins (L-FABP, FABP-6, and I-FABP) showed changes in MSBR animals. The expression changes and localization of each FABP were validated by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analysis. FABP expression changes in MSBR animals occurred concurrently with altered triglyceride and bile acid metabolism as well as weight gain. The observed FABP expression changes in the ileal epithelium occur as part of the intestinal adaptation response and could provide a clinically useful marker to evaluate adaptation following MSBR.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1437-1449
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Proteome Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • 2D-PAGE
  • Adaptation
  • DIGE
  • FABP6
  • Fatty acid binding protein
  • Intestinal failure
  • MSBR
  • Short bowel syndrome

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