Promoting recovery through innovations in collaboration and community programs

Jennie Fairclough, Katharine Davies, Tessa Reimers, Ingrid Imann, Jeremy LeRoux, Melissa Petrakis

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


This symposium is a presentation bringing together the findings of an adult clinical mental health service, a not-for-profit mental health and disability support organisation and consumers involved in planning, service delivery and evaluation. This is a demonstration service in terms of working collaboratively to support recovery and social inclusion. The partnership, collaboration and the presence of the participant as active in their own recovery will be central to the presentation. The recovery journey is a tremendously personal one and those travelling alongside, whether clinicians, peers, support workers, carers or others, have a sensitive role to play. In addition to the ethical factors and benefits of a recovery and strengths focus these principles are integral to the person's growth and enrichment of life. We strive to hold the person in the centre of the process during their stay and in their recovery as a whole.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2017
EventMental Health Services (MHS) Conference 2017: Embracing Change: Through Innovation and Lived Experience - Hilton, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 29 Aug 20171 Sept 2017
Conference number: 27th


ConferenceMental Health Services (MHS) Conference 2017
Abbreviated titleTheMHS 2017
Internet address


  • community care
  • Recovery-oriented practice
  • collaboration,community-based,knowledge transfer,preventive health

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