PremiumSoft: need for strategic human resource management

Derek Man, Neale O'Connor, Anupriya Goswami

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PremiumSoft, a Hong Kong–based software company, was cofounded by Ken Lin in 1999. The aim of its main product, a database administration software called Navicat, was to help database administrators better manage and navigate their databases. It was used by over 40% of Fortune 500 companies, including Apple Inc., Google Inc., Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Samsung, JP Morgan, KPMG, and General Electric. The company employed 41 people, 28 of whom were developers. Total revenues in 2018 were USD5m, up from USD3m in 2011. Ken credited much of the company’s growth in recent years to an increase in the coverage of a database product such as Navicat and its growth in China, where PremiumSoft had been doubling its sales year-on-year.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe University of Hong Kong
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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