Premature excitement or promising direction? The application of Acceptance and Committment Therapy to persisting psychotic symptoms

Frances Shawyer, John Farhall, Neil Arthur Thomas

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review


Acceptance and commitment therapy, known as ACT is a relatively new therapy, with its major text being published in 1999 (Hayes, Strosahl, Wilson, 1999). Over the decade since then it has grown rapidly in popularity and been applied to a wide range of disorders. A small number of research studies have applied it to consumers who have serious mental illnesses such as psychosis and borderline personality disorder. This paper outlines the therapy, considers the current status of evidence for its application to working with people who have persisting psychotic symptoms, and describe a randomised controlled trial currently underway.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationYOU - Your Family, Your Community, Your Mental Health: The Path Ahead
EditorsSadie Robertson, Cathy Issakidis, Kevin Kellehear, Vivienne Miller, Bernadette Wright, Janet Peters, Margaret Goding, John Farhall
Place of PublicationPerth, Western Australia
PublisherThe MHS Learning Network
Pages73 - 77
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9780975765357
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventMental Health Services (MHS) Conference 2009: YOU - Your Family, Your Community, Your Mental Health: The Path Ahead - Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia
Duration: 1 Sept 20094 Sept 2009


ConferenceMental Health Services (MHS) Conference 2009
Abbreviated titleTheMHS 2009

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