Part V. Advocacy and empowerment, Introduction

Robert Perks, Alistair Scott Thomson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Otherpeer-review


KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING about the past have a profound impact upon contemporary social and political life. Though the use of recorded interviews is not necessarily a radical historical intervention in itself, many oral historians aim to transform both history and society through their work.1 Oral testimony is frequently used alongside other sources to recover neglected or silenced
accounts of past experience, and as a way of challenging dominant histories that
underpin repressive attitudes and policy. Some oral historians involve interviewees in the process of interpreting their lives and developing strategies for personal and social change. And oral historians have been engaged in the truth and justice processes of societies that are coming to terms with histories of conflict and oppression. The chapters in Part V consider a range of ways in which oral history has been empowering for individuals, groups and communities, and has been used for advocacy by social movements, while exploring the issues posed by advocacy oral history. Each chapter also showcases innovative approaches to recording interviews or making oral history, for example using photographs, song and performance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Oral History Reader
EditorsRobert Perks, Alistair Thomson
Place of PublicationAbingdon Oxon UK
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9781315671833
ISBN (Print)9780415707329, 9780415707336
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Publication series

NameRoutledge Readers in History

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